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It Pays to Partner

It Pays to Partner

Aviation Ad Network ™ Affiliate Program

If you're looking for a flexible, hassle-free way to make money from your aviation site, Aviation Ad Network makes perfect sense.

It's free, easy to use and there's no contract required.

Learn more


Join the Affiliate Program

Aviation Ad Network ™ Affiliate Program offers:

bullet 1Pay-Per-Click (PPC) commission structure. We only work with aviation related advertisers so we can deliver high quality relevant ads, resulting in more revenue for you! Show high-converting offers from aviations best, and earn a performance fee for driving conversions.

bullet 2You have control over the type, size and colors of ads that can appear on your pages and where you want to show them. You can also block ads that may not be right for your readers, or customize ads to better fit with your site. — Aviation Ad Network ™ makes it easy for you to earn commissions.

bullet 3Detailed reports show just how hard your site is working for you. Understand what's working and how to make more money from your ads. You also get optimization tools and a range of ad formats.

  • Self-Service account creation and easy to use web-based user-interface
  • Ad Code Wizard for easy generation of standardized ad blocks
  • Automatic advertisement matching to page content via Contextual Match Engine
  • Ability to create Publisher Channels for improved reporting and refinement
  • Transaction History Report to view earnings by day within the provided date range
  • Payment via PayPal or Check

bullet 4You can sign up today. It's free, easy to use and there's no contract required. Our quality screening ensures your site will have ads you can trust. Set-it and forget it, and let your space work for you!

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