Airport Safety and Security Jobs

Airport - Safety Personnel  Airport Safety and Security
The airport is one of the most vital elements in our air transportation system. A well equipped airport provides a variety of facilities for the aircraft and for crews and passengers. These include runways and taxiways, which may be lighted for day and night use, a terminal building with lounge areas for passengers, ramp areas and hangars for aircraft storage, maintenance shops for aircraft and avionics, automobile parking lots, and possibly restaurants and shops.

In the United States, there are about 13,000 airports and 4,000 heliports "landing sites for helicopters". About 5,000 of these landing facilities are used by the public. It may surprise you to learn that only about 650 airports are served by airlines; most of the Nation's airports are used by general aviation pilots and their aircraft. The atmosphere at these airports is usually a lot less hectic and pressured than the environment at a major airport facility. more>>

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