Aviation Schools, Imitated but not Duplicated

Get Hired FASTER with Avjobs.com Aviation Schools, Imitated but not Duplicated

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Tahna Stanley
Director of Sales & Marketing
Avjobs, Inc.

Aviation Schools, Imitated but not Duplicated

LITTLETON, CO (April 18, 2003) – Colorado based Avjobs.com, Inc. wants to inform you that we are a privately owned business that created the original Aviation Schools (AVSchools) in January 2001. We launched Aviation Schools to promote educational facilities like yours and give guidance to future aviators.

Many school recruiters have notified us to voice their confusion between Avjobs Aviation Schools and AvSchools.com. Those of you that have contacted us have expressed your irritation with advertisements coming from AvSchools.com. We want you to know Avjobs.com and Aviation Schools are not associated in any way with AvSchools.com.

Avjobs.com has successfully built a reputation of excellent service and an outstanding product for our current and future customers. It is unfortunate that AvSchools.com finds it necessary to profit using our name, design, marketing material, and advertising copy. Please know that Jim Dent, owner of AvSchools.com does not work for Avjobs.com and does not represent Aviation Schools. As a valued customer we feel it is our responsibility to inform you of these poor business ethics that may have a negative affect your business.

According to customer complaints, AvSchools.com is listing paying and non-paying aviation educational institutions in their directory. As a non-paying company, they are soliciting business by sending email and faxed advertisements. Many of you have received emails asking you to “Add money to my balance”. If you have been receiving such messages from Jim Dent, Publisher of AVSchools.com you may choose to contact the companies below and ask that you be removed from any marketing lists.

PO Box 550970
Jim Dent, Owner & Publisher
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33355
Phone 954-472-2288 ext. 304
Phone 954-472-6684 ext. 304
Email admin@avschools.com

PO Box 740, Berlin, MD 21811
Phone 305-433-8029
Fax 410-510-1733
Email aeps@aeps.com

We appreciate you telling us you can see the difference and thank you for remaining loyal to the original Aviation Schools at http://avschools.avjobs.com/index.asp .


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